If this is your first time using our tutoring software, don’t worry! We will walk you through everything. Just join the conference number 5 minutes before your tutoring session starts, then wait for your tutor.
Check your email for the number.
Who Are We?
We are a group of board teachers, certified tutors, and educators who see a need to teach classes and help out students in communities that demonstrate the most financial and economic need. Although we are for profit, we do not make a significant profit from tutoring. We believe in the nonprofit model of helping others, and passing it forward to the next generation of scientists, engineers, and educators.
Our philosophy: Help educate as many people as we can as affordably as we can, and provide as much guidance to those who are seeking to further their education.
Even if you are lagging behind, our promise is to work with you and get you the help that you need.
At $10 a session there is nobody who beats our rates!